I Could Never Go Vegan Movie Poster

I Could Never Go Vegan

(Don’t worry, it’s not a personal statement but a film title.)

It was a sunny Friday afternoon. I was tired after a busy week with work and looking after my beautiful grandchildren. I’d spent the morning cleaning the house and was quite frankly, knackered. I’d seen on social media that a vegan documentary was showing that afternoon at my local theatre. Could I be bothered to go? I knew I’d regret it if I didn’t go so, I paid for a ticket and went – and I’m so glad I did!

I Could Never Go Vegan, by filmmaker Thomas Pickering was well worth the watch.

Being brought up as never eating meat, Tom (as he calls himself in the film) tackles each argument thoroughly against going vegan. He debunks vegan myths such as:

How vegan men are somehow viewed as unmasculine and weedy.

A vegan diet lacks protein and vital nutrients.

Vegan food is expensive.

Vegan food is tasteless and boring.

It also explains how a vegan diet can positively affect your health and help stop climate change.

I Could Never Go Vegan – is it a video nasty?

It also gives you an insight into the awful practices in factory farming and abattoirs. I found this quite upsetting and hard to watch, to the point that I had tears streaming down my face. To anyone, let alone a vegan, even the thought of any animal being abused for any reason is sickening. Watching it is difficult, but that doesn’t mean if you don’t see it doesn’t happen. That only happens when you hide the chocolate bar wrappers! (I wish.) I must add that ‘I Could Never Go Vegan’ wasn’t too graphic compared to some videos I’ve seen, so don’t be put off. You can always turn away if you really can’t handle it.

Sorry, veganism doesn’t give you night vision

There were so many aspects to the film, and even though I desperately tried taking notes, it was hard to keep up with all the statistics and information. Apart from that, have you ever tried writing in the dark? It’s not easy. The film was highly detailed and researched, with many experts taking part too. All are listed on the film’s webpage here. The experts included doctors, authors, chefs, and even athletes. All certainly gave valid points for adopting a vegan lifestyle, or at least, leaning more towards a plant-based one.

Hoping it comes to a streaming service near you – SOON!

I’m hoping that it’s shown on a streaming service soon so I can watch it again but this time with my meat-eating family. Sadly, I ended up watching it in a near-empty theatre, sharing the cinema room with only two other viewers and one member of staff. Here I am, looking like a right saddo, with all my mates…

Me in the cinema

The cinema is empty!

Me in the cinema 2

Shame really, as ‘I Could Never Go Vegan’ is a film everyone should see. If I had my way it would be shown in schools. This would educate children at an earlier age, for the sake of the animals, for one’s personal health, and to save the world from climate change!

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